3D animation software can now create anything you can imagine. This section will focus on what 3D does best, and how to create characters, worlds and stories audiences can relate to emotionally.
Please see MyFlik's YouTube channel for 30+ film school videos.
3D elements are often used with DV or film footage, such as realistic aliens in a DV environment, or blue screened actors in 3D environments. The use of 3D in films has increased dramatically in the last decade. One day the majority of feature films may be made completely in 3D using virtual actors and sets.
"What we need are more people who specialize in the impossible."
– Theodore Roethke
Maya 3D Made Easy
Coming soon by request a new series of online classes to help people learn Maya fast! Nate will be sharing his best tips and techniques in these free 3D Maya animation classes taught by the Maya Master himself.
3D Story Ideas
3D animation software is rapidly changing the way modern filmmaker’s stretch their imaginations to tell stories in unique and innovative ways. Learn which story ideas work best for 3D and why.
3D Audience Identification
How can you get your audience to really care about your 3D characters and worlds?
Fast & Simple 3D Animation Techniques
What things does your 3D software do fast and easy? how can you build film ideas around these techniques? More
3D Animated Set Ideas
How can you use 3D to create fresh looking film settings?
New To 3D?
If you are just learning to use 3D programs, be patient with yourself, since they take awhile to figure out. Plan to spend at least 6 months to two years getting comfortable with using a 3D program. There are lots of different choices for 3D programs so software techniques will not be covered in this section yet, but will one day. If you need online help for 3D may we suggest Gnomon.
Watch some sample movies below from the online Story Engine on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are samples from the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop.
Follow along and create a great film or story idea fast! Download the Workbook PDF fileor DOC file to edit. You can also use a notebook or paper and the Online Workbook or watch it in 20 Steps.
Sample Movies
Below are some sample movies from the 94 minute version above on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are part of the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to include themes in your films and stories in this free sample movie from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to use Metaphors and Symbols in your films, animations or stories from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Writing A Great Script Fast Makes Screenwriting Easy!