Animatics or Story Reels are created using a slide show of your film based on the script with a rough soundtrack. You will be able to spot many story issues by creating an animatic first, and then fine tuning the shots and timing before production begins on the final shots.
Please see MyFlik's YouTube channel for 30+ film school videos.
"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
– Vincent van Gogh
How To Create An Animatic
Learn how to use Photoshop and a basic editing program like Premiere to create a fast rough slide show of your film idea.
Tips For Fixing Stories
How can you fine tune your animatics to make them even better before production begins on the final shots?
How To Create A Rough Soundtrack
Adding a rough soundtrack to your slide show script will give you a much better sense of timing, and whether or not the story is working.
Animatic Feedback
Coming soon - feedback on animatics created for MyFlik funding type pitches.
How To Create A MyFlik Animatic For Funding
MyFlik plans to fund low budget films in the near future with great stories. To apply for funding you will need to include a final script, animatic, trailer, treatment and the first ten minutes shot and edited into a final cut to see look and feel.
Color Animatics
Tips on fast ways to create color palettes for your slide show animatics.
"You can't try to do things; you simply must do them."
– Ray Bradbury
Watch some sample movies below from the online Story Engine on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are samples from the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop.
Follow along and create a great film or story idea fast! Download the Workbook PDF fileor DOC file to edit. You can also use a notebook or paper and the Online Workbook or watch it in 20 Steps.
Sample Movies
Below are some sample movies from the 94 minute version above on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are part of the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to include themes in your films and stories in this free sample movie from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to use Metaphors and Symbols in your films, animations or stories from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Writing A Great Script Fast Makes Screenwriting Easy!