Digital filmmaking is poised to revolutionize the way modern filmmakers tell stories. HD gives digital filmmakers the ability to manipulate high resolution frames. This will open up all sorts of layering and effects possibilities. DV resolution tends to fall apart fast when doing things like scaling the image up. The mixing of HD, DV, 2D and 3D elements will continue to metamorphosis into innovative visual styles, we have never seen before, to communicate in fresh ways.
Please see MyFlik's YouTube channel for 30 film school videos until this section gets updated soon.
"Think of the computer, not as a tool, but as a medium."
- Brenda Laurel
200 Bluescreen Ideas
Using bluescreen characters gives your digital film more special FX options and can save you lots of time and money.
DV Character Design Ideas
How can you use DV to create new types of characters or film styles?
DV Set Design Ideas
Learn tips for creating low budget DV film sets and worlds.
Fast & Easy DV Special FX
What are some easy to do special FX shots using digital video?
DV Camera Shots
How can you create old fashion looking camera shots using some of your digital tools?
"A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see - and hits it ."
– Anonymous
Watch some sample movies below from the online Story Engine on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are samples from the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Follow along and create a great film or story idea fast! Download the Workbook PDF fileor DOC file to edit. You can also use a notebook or paper and the Online Workbook or watch it in 20 Steps.
Sample Movies
Below are some sample movies from the 94 minute version above on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are part of the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to include themes in your films and stories in this free sample movie from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to use Metaphors and Symbols in your films, animations or stories from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Writing A Great Script Fast Makes Screenwriting Easy!