There has never been a better time to be a filmmaker! It is now easier and cheaper to make movies, and get them seen, than ever before with digital technology and the internet.
"Having the world's best idea will do you no good unless you act on it. People who want milk should not sit on a stool in the middle of a field in hopes that a cow will back up to them."
– Curtis Grant
Mini Movie Mogul Marketing Tips
What are the best ways to get your work seen by many and to make a career out of digital filmmaking?
Online Maketing Tips
How can you use the web to create a network of interested viewer's for your films?
Creating A Website Press Kit
Learn how to create a basic online press kit to help your film project get reviewed in local papers or websites.
Marketing To Your Communities
How can you make films people you already know would want to buy?
Low Budget Movie Distribution Options
Many more digital distribution options are popping up each day for filmmakers. Learn tips about how to make money distributing and selling your final film.
Digital Filmmaking Careers
Tips outlining the pros and cons of different digital filmmaking career paths.
"If you are not happy every morning when you get up, leave for work, or start to work at home - if you're not enthusiastic about doing that, you are not going to be successful."
– Donald Kendall
Watch some sample movies below from the online Story Engine on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are samples from the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop.
Follow along and create a great film or story idea fast! Download the Workbook PDF fileor DOC file to edit. You can also use a notebook or paper and the Online Workbook or watch it in 20 Steps.
Sample Movies
Below are some sample movies from the 94 minute version above on Storytelling Goals, Creating Themes and Using Symbols and Metaphors. These short films are part of the new 20 hour step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to include themes in your films and stories in this free sample movie from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Learn how to use Metaphors and Symbols in your films, animations or stories from the new step-by-step "Writing A Great Script Fast" DVD Workshop:
Writing A Great Script Fast Makes Screenwriting Easy!