Writing A Great Script Fast In A Nutshell Step 20: Final Story Idea Idea.. . . ................... . ... . . .. .. . . . ... . Step 20: Final Story Idea Congratulations you are almost done with completing your story idea! Add all of the new ideas you just came up with from conflicts, twists, setups, symbols, suspense and humor to your basic plot points. Then rewrite the 1-3 sentence scene description for what happens at each plot point from Step 13. 1) Hook: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 2) Setup: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 3) Inciting incident:Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 4) Journey Into Unknown: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 5) Investigation:Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 6) Twist: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: 7) Final Confrontation: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 8) Climax: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: 9) Resolution: Conflicts/Obstacles: Scene/Plot Twist: Setups/Payoffs: Symbolic Objects: Metaphorical Activities: Suspense: Ticking Clocks: Humor Ideas: New 1-3 sentence description of what happens at this plot point using the new information from above: Now take all your final sentences and put them together to form your new story idea: Thank you for trying out this step-by-step storytelling process! Get the 22 hour "Writing a Great Script Fast" Workshop to make your story idea even better! Please visit http://www.MyFlik.com for more information and videos about how to create great stories for digital films and animations fast! © 2008-2012 Sherri Sheridan All Rights Reserved |