| | MyFlik Newsletter Coming soon in Phase 2, lots of new cool stuff to help you learn how to make better digital films. If you want to be emailed about MyFlik website updates, join our newsletter by sending an email with the subject line "MyFlik Info." "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." – Langston Hughs | | | The Power Of Story | | The Microbudget Mindset |  | Have you ever seen a film that changed your life? | |  | How can you use everything you have to make a great microbudget film? | Positive Future Films? | | Your Life As A Movie |  | When was the last time you saw a film about the future that made it look like FUN? | |  | What if you were just a character in this movie called Your Life? How are your plot goals going? | Feature Films For Under 3K | | Ergo Tips |  | What does a feature film budget for under 3K look like? | |  | How many clicks are left in your hands? How does your body feel right now? How are you sitting? | What Makes A MyFlik Film? | | Microbudget Life Styling |  | Do you want to make microbudget films with great stories for MyFlik? | |  | How can you set up your life so that you can make your dream films full time? | | | |  |